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What if there is just ONE THING…the “X” factor…that will set you apart and accelerate your and your team crazy results and crazy fast?
It’s simple…do what every professional athlete does….Get a mentor!!!
And for your business, You absolutely, positively NEED Leadership Development and mentoring!!!
And I have proof!!!! I use myself as a prime example. I have been to 65 countries, held executive positions, titles and roles in large corporations and churches.I have owned my own companies and have worked extensively with some of the greatest leadership experts of our generation. I have written numerous blogs on leadership for people and am in process of writing several books based on a lifetime of leadership learning, growth and experience.
We all need someone to help show us the way…someone who knows the way…someone who goes the way themselves. Someone who talks the talk…and walks the walk… each and every day!
In addition to Leadership Development, I am a proven executive and IT consultant. I was talking to a client yesterday and he said something very powerful. He said that People often hire an IT professional because they understand they don’t know everything there is to know about IT. He then went on to say that those same people won’t hire Leadership Development experts and mentors because they think they already know enough about leadership and development and growth.
And I am amazed because he’s right…people will hire an IT expert for their business. They will go see the right medical expert for their health issues. Yet when it comes to the personal growth and leadership development, they avoid the topic completely. They justify their reasoning by saying they attended leadership training 10 years ago and they can’t learn anything new from a coach, a mentor or a seminar.
So maybe there is some truth to that logic…and then again probably not.
I know there is MUCH MUCH more success…and significance… available to me. And my mentors help me to move past barriers and roadblocks and negative mindsets and most importantly, they help me to see things from a different, fresh perspective. A perspective that gets me to my desired result FASTER than if I do it by myself! I learned that having a good mentor helps me get intentional growth and development. I also learned it’s something I have to do on a daily basis, not once every 10 years…
So here’s several questions to help you figure out if you need leadership development and/or executive mentoring.
1) Are you consistently producing the real results you want in a realistic timeframe?
2) Are you well balanced in your key foundational areas (Physical, mental, emotional, financial, spiritual, and social)?
3) Do you have a S.M.A.R.T. strategy in your work life and your personal life? Is it working?
4) Is your career on track and going where you want it to go? 5) Are you and your team living up to your full potential?
If you answered ‘NO’ to any of these questions, then you need leadership development and/ or executive mentoring. And best news of all? I can help you…and I am really good at helping real people get real results
Let’s set up a time to chat for 20 minutes or so. During this time, we will * Create a crystal clear vision to consistently achieve the results that you want. * Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success.
* You’ll leave our call renewed, reenergized and inspired to create a powerful results- driven life that gets things done, gets real results, and still have an amazing personal life!!!
I can help you gain awareness, be intentional, and provide the accountability you need to get real results!!!!
contact me today and let’s chat
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